Teresa's Blog
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
In class we were reading about Wonder,a fantastic book that everyone should read.In page 45 to 48 Mr Browne was talking about precepts.Precepts are quotes to live by or quotes to motivate you to do something good.
The precept that I chose to talk about is:"Our fate lives within us,you only need to be brave enough to see it."The reason why I chose this precept is because it teaches us that we cant always be scared of wanting to be what we want to be or to do.Life is quite short and we need to live every single moment.We cant waste time overthinking about your future.Just follow god and believe in yourself.
The precept that I chose to talk about is:"Our fate lives within us,you only need to be brave enough to see it."The reason why I chose this precept is because it teaches us that we cant always be scared of wanting to be what we want to be or to do.Life is quite short and we need to live every single moment.We cant waste time overthinking about your future.Just follow god and believe in yourself.
Digital Footprint
Digital Footprint
A digital is a trail that you leave as you walk through the internet.Your digital footprint could possibly be visible to anyone so you always have to be careful of what you want to post.Before you post anything online you have to think.Your digital footprint could also affect you in the future if maybe a university student or employee sees it depending on what you're posting.It is very important to be aware of your digital footprint because you don't want to leave a bad trail of yourselves as you go on and about online.People will see that no matter if you deleted it.Someone could've copied or saved it.Always think of who you want to be online.A good,kind positive person or a disrespectful,irresponsible and negative person?Things you post today could always last a long time.
The message that I'm trying to share with the poster is to always be positive,careful when posting online, to think twice and be respectful towards other people online.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019
Email Etiquette
Today we learned about Email etiquette.It is a formal way to email someone.I definitely think it was quite helpful for us pupils to know when answering or sending emails to teachers and for other things in the future.The five points we learned were use salutation,give a specific subject,keep it to-the-point,be professional and sign and proofread.I think the most important point was sign and proofread because we can correct and check spelling errors before we hit the send button.I actually use this point and find it quite helpful.I think it was a great idea to teach us email etiquette.
Digital Citizenship,
Email Grade Etiquette,
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Stop-motion task
Superhero stop-motion project
3 weeks ago,we had an ILT,where we had to create and mold our own superhero out of dough.My partner was Jena. Our superhero name is Lazerman. He wears a tight-fitting suit with the colors red,orange and yellow.His name is Lazerman because his main power is shooting lasers.Its symbol is a lightning bolt because when we thought of lasers,lightning bolts came into our minds and so we decided that to be the symbol.This character best feature is the laser eyes because you don't need to be too close to a villain to defeat him\her.I think we could improve on our molding,maybe making the character smoother and neater.We should've took our time with it.Later on we made a stop-motion video on a green background.It was quite a hard task to do since we had to keep the iPad very still.Our villain was called Slimerine,a small slime monster.We didn't take much time with the video,It was quite quick.After we had finished filming,we edited the video adding sound effects and our voice over.We then chose the background that was going to replace the green blue background.Then we went to the Greenscreen app.It was a pretty easy app to use.We replaced the blue background with our chosen background.Finally,after we finished basically everything we submitted it.
It was a very enjoyable task to do.I hope we can do more ILTs like this.
Grade 6,
Superhero Task
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Informal settlement
It is morning.I woke up cold and tired on the wet floor from yesterday’s powerful rain.I had to spend the dark night scooping dirty big blobs of mud.No cozy blankets,No proper pillows.My parents died from ebola one year ago and since then I’ve being taking care of my 2 brothers and my 2 sisters.It’s very difficult.First thing that I did was to make breakfast.Usually I don’t have enough food so every morning I go to our caring neighbor’s house to beg for food.They don’t usually give me tasty or a lot of food but is enough for my siblings and I.After breakfast we went straight to school without showering because every morning the line to get the water is very long and if we wait we can probably be late.We have to take the long way to go to school since shortest way there is smelly litter, dead things everywhere and large mud puddles and without shoes is very dangerous.
My youngest sister is very sick.So she can’t go to school.I left at our caring neighbors and they will take her to the hospital.Our school is very dirty and small.There are only two classrooms and me and my siblings were in the same class.
When we go to school we have no bags, no textbooks since we don’t have enough money to afford school equipment.Our school also has very little equipment and everyday I have to share textbooks with my 8 colleges. Today I’m very stressed and worried about my sister since she is sick.Today we had a spelling test and the words that we had to spell I did not know.In the two classes there are about 56 kids and we sit packed together and its very easy to cheat and thats what I did.There are only 2 teachers in our school, they get paid very little salary and because of that sometimes they treat us in a very rude way.
After school I went to see my sister in the hospital.I told my second older sibling to lead my other siblings home.I hope they went home safely .The hospital is very poor and when I got
there the line was still huge.I waited 3 hours to go see my sister.Unfortunetly She has a very bad disease and we don’t have enough money to afford the treatment.I wish nothing like this would happened,I wish we lived in a better place.Now every day I had to take care of my sister.I couldn’t go to school.
there the line was still huge.I waited 3 hours to go see my sister.Unfortunetly She has a very bad disease and we don’t have enough money to afford the treatment.I wish nothing like this would happened,I wish we lived in a better place.Now every day I had to take care of my sister.I couldn’t go to school.
We need more doctors, but we also need waste services.Litter is everywhere in our township and 61% is sick or has very bad diseases.When it rains it floods and our houses get washed away or full of mud.We need running water because we can’t stay in a long line every single day there for a long time. Sometimes, people don’t get to shower and spend days and days dirty and thirsty leading to death.Our life here is terrible and very challenging but I’m grateful that were are at least alive and we have a small roof over our heads.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Singing Inspector : Benny’s experience
Yesterday was the most embarrassing and scariest day ever. Yesterday a singing inspector came which I thought there was no big deal because all the previous inspectors were fine.But,not this one.His name was Raymond which was my worst nightmare.My uncle,it was him.He didn’t recognize me which Im happy about.He was a skinny man with fair but pale skin.He wore massive and shiny knickerbockers with thick,expensive and long black stockings and he has a curly,ginger and weird mustache . He had a red face and big round eyes that almost looked like he was always staring at you.
The first thing that he did was to call every single one of us to the big room.
Well,except the little ones and big boys who did extremely hard exams and no singing, no singing at all.We did the do re mi fa and ta te things that I hated.He called me and my best friend Charles to come to front and sing.I didnt know one single song since I absolutely ,extremely hate singing.He just stayed there silent and then in a angry and loud voice he said:What can you sing?Then Charles remembered of the song Pretty Poly which is the song that I struggled to sing in grade-R.
We started to sing and it was so embarassing and terrible.I sang very high because I was nervous and scared,Charles sang very low.From everyone’s faces you could see that it was dreadful and they all wanted to laugh.I was out of breath and I stopped sing.Charles did the same.Mr Raymond red and impatient shouted: Waste of time,To voiceless idiots in singing class.Send them out!We stayed outside for about 2 until the rude man left.Well at least we didn’t have to hear their singing.Chales and I had a big fat conversation.At least it didn’t end as bad as I expected.
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