Digital Footprint
A digital is a trail that you leave as you walk through the internet.Your digital footprint could possibly be visible to anyone so you always have to be careful of what you want to post.Before you post anything online you have to think.Your digital footprint could also affect you in the future if maybe a university student or employee sees it depending on what you're posting.It is very important to be aware of your digital footprint because you don't want to leave a bad trail of yourselves as you go on and about online.People will see that no matter if you deleted it.Someone could've copied or saved it.Always think of who you want to be online.A good,kind positive person or a disrespectful,irresponsible and negative person?Things you post today could always last a long time.
The message that I'm trying to share with the poster is to always be positive,careful when posting online, to think twice and be respectful towards other people online.

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